Big questions,
little questions,
general or specific,
if you’ve got any questions
regarding the dreamtime,
I’d love to hear from you!
And while you’re waiting,
why not check out some of my previous video answers to dreamers’ questions . . .
What Are Jump Cuts?
In an effort to make Dream-Centered Living ever more accessible, this is the first in what I hope will be a series of short video answers to frequently asked questions: Why do dreams suddenly jump from one scene to another? Well now, I imagine you've all experienced...
The Grace of Dreaming
Today’s question reads: "Something’s happened in my dream life. I used to be able to remember all of my dreams, in great and intricate detail. But now I wake up from a night’s sleep, and though stay in the threshold space between sleeping and waking . . . and I am...
Dream Bodies and the so-called Dead
Today’s question asks: "Why is it that in my dreams I’m so much younger than I actually am? I am not encumbered by having this aging body that can no longer do things like run and jump? In dreams I can still do everything that I did when I was much younger and then I...
Image Loves Image
Today’s question asks: "Okay, so last night I was watching television before I went to bed and I was disturbed by something I saw, a woman, a celebrity whose outward appearance even as I was watching her on television was quite disturbing. IS quite disturbing. Because...
Touches Us Into Being
Hello Renée, My question grows out of my response to your first, delightful video wherein you say, repeatedly, toward the end, that the dream "touches us into being." Touch, here, appears to be on something of a spiritual threshold . . . as in the "word became flesh."...
The Dreamtime – Part II
Today’s answer picks up where last week’s question and answer left off, exploring the differences between the dreamtime’s durational, experienced time and linear time. The dreamtime's durational,experienced time touches us into being whereas linear time is a human...
The Dreamtime–Part I
Today's question asks, "You talk of the 'dreamtime' as opposed, let’s say, to the dream 'space' or the dream 'place' and I’m curious about this. Can you tell us why you refer to 'entering the dreamtime' and what you mean by this?"
Who is visiting here?
Today's question asks, "The other day you were attempting to highlight that the first two questions of the dreamtime: what is happening here? And who is visiting here? are essentially the same question. You said something like, 'the details don’t matter' or they only...
Dreams About Us?
Today's question asks, "I've been wondering about something: The other day you told us a dream that you had a number of years ago, where you woke up and immediately knew that this was a dream about you, about your intensity and the need to feel satisfied. This doesn't...